Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Tips to Getting Exams Back

Trials are over. And everyone knows that getting the exams back are the worst part. I would actually willingly sit exams provided I do not get them back. So this week is more than a depressing week for most. You might not get the exam mark you were hoping for, your mark may surprise you or you would have probably seen a particular mark coming. Either way, it is important not to stress over these marks.

Here is a few handy dandy tips on how to cope with getting assessments back:

1. Breathe. You might not have tried this before, but breathing actually calms you down!

2. Think of the positives. If you happen to fail an exam (which hopefully none of you did) think to yourself "I am going to kick ass in the HSC!"

3. Go through your exam paper individually with your teacher. This is a good technique for scabbing marks!

4. Get over your silly mistakes. I know this is hard because I have done A LOT of silly mistakes in my exams and I feel like shredding the paper to bits... but then you won't do them in the next set of exams! ... hopefully...

So I hope you won't get TOO stressed about getting exams back this week! I am sure all of you have done your best and if you happen to not do as well as you wanted to, don't be sad! You will have one final opportunity to do AWESOME-ly well in the HSC!


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